Body & Mind
“Gently coercing the body back into alignment
through various modalities tailored to each client,
so physical & emotional healing can occur.”
Is this massage?
This is a physical & emotional healing session; this is not massage. This work is based in a polarity therapy philosophy of mind-body connection & laying on of hands healing that will feel amazing, rhythmically relaxing, a is usually a sleep-inducing experience. You will always want to wear loose, comfortable clothing-like sweats/shorts and a T-shirt as well as drinking plenty of water.
What will happen in sessions 1-3?
It will be as if a chisel is chipping away the loose, old- seated emotions your body’s held since childhood, meanwhile reconnecting the physical body to the emotional one. Most people experience a “lighter” feeling, a burst of energy, and a fantastic night’s sleep. Old kinks start to get worked out in the 2nd and 3rd sessions as the body tissue becomes more supple and we can move into the deeper areas that may house old physical and emotional pains. By session 3 the body allows us to essentially wring the tension out of the body. Clients typically begin to start a new chapter in life & new opportunities present themselves.
What packages do you offer?
A month of healing (4-6 sessions)
Lymphedema remediation (12 sessions)
Weight-loss alchemy (12 sessions)
Athletic “EDGE” (8 Sessions)
Monthly subscriptions
What will I experience?
Profound relaxation… A feeling of reset and belonging in your own body. This is a completely intuitive session, based on what’s going on specific to each individual. The 1st 3 sessions are typically the same format and should be completed 7-10 days between and the techniques used will include a completely intuitive blend of tapotement & chi gong to open the body; craniosacral or full body unwinding (typically beginning in session 2) and intertwining with movements that squeeze the stress from the body & clears the meridians.
How much will this cost?
Approximate ala carte pricing…
90-minute sessions (New Clients) …………….…$135-$150
60-minute sessions …………………………………. $90
30-minute sessions …………………………………………. $50
*Multiple sessions or programs include the perks
Everyone is encouraged to begin with either 3 sessions or the month of healing package.
What does maintenance look like?
This is your polarity journey - you determine your path. I will push you - challenge you to see things from a different angle and cheer you on from the sideline. I will encourage you to cut out toxicity and help you hold space for the impossible to flicker and imagine a possibility…
I suggest creating a maintenance plan to hold your feet to the fire - it’s easy to back-slide and we want to keep AHEAD of your healing, not going over the same old paths, covering the same old ground. Maintenance can look like a monthly wellness program or a quarterly or yearly check-in to hold onto your healthy gains and keep the goals fresh in your mind’s eye.
How long will it take?
Initial consultation may or may not include the first session, which would be 90 minutes and includes an intake with background & discussion, personal goals, and the first session. After the first 3 sessions, clients can select the appropriate timeframe (30, 60, 0r 90 minutes).
Do you take HSA/FSA or Insurance?
Basic insurance is not accepted, but if you request (or demand) a Letter of necessity from your GP, there is no reason you cannot use your Health Savings or Flex Savings account. If you can buy vitamins at Walgreens, there is no reason you cannot use it to heal your mind and body, holistically. But you do need the letter to back up your receipt.
Do you have classes?
Helping athletes improve movement & lung capacity
Exercises to help children & adults process pent up frustration & emotions in a healthy way
"Lazy man’s massage” for couples and caretakers
What is sound & vibration healing?
Using tools such as singing bowls, the gong, and tuning forks, you can create an environment conducive to healing the emotional body, which directly correlates to the physical body.
You can explore the term “cymatics” for more information. I offer personal sound therapy sessions as well as private or group gong sound baths where you lay back on pillows and blankets and let the sounds wash over you like a bath in sound.
Click here to call & schedule session #1
New Clients - Session #1
(1.5 hours including discussion & intake)
We begin with a brief intro & intake, which is important for old, irrelevant build-up to be swept up & taken out during the session. As we get into the session, the techniques start light and build upon one another as we move through the process. As this happens, your body tissue becomes more supple and the “low-hanging fruit” is able to simply fall off. I call this a good “first opening,” a re-alignment of the client’s physical body to the emotional body. Typical effects range between extreme relaxation & being ready to take on the world. Most experience feeling lighter, and have an amazing night’s sleep. You will continue to be “in-process” for the next several days. Be gentle with yourself & enjoy the fresh start! Since you’re already going to be at the Salt Cave, I highly recommend catching the next Salt Cave infrared sauna afterward. They give me a coupon for $5 off - so please ask for that if you take advantage of the cave, and be sure to drink up a ton of water to help it all out!
“A Month of Healing”
“Gently coercing the body back into alignment”
Session #1 combined with sessions 2, 3, & 4: (1-1.5 hours each)
Big changes call for drastic measures, but you will be amazed if you invest in yourself. I may start you on the Chi Machine, a vibration plate, or use the vibration gun to loosen large areas more quickly, and your body will begin to “drop in” to the session more quickly and easily.
You may find yourself here to solidify those life-changes and ease the physical ailments that may have been plaguing you. Scheduled 7-10 days apart, I flow between the lighter, tapping movements, into the specific nooks and crannies of Craniosacral Unwinding, where we unwind the body’s old traumas (think old bike accidents, car wrecks, falling out of the tree when you’re 9, etc.).
By session 3 we will get into some heavy-handed, extremely relaxing Thai movements that essentially squeeze the tension out of your body. Reflexology and acupressure are always sprinkled in as I bounce around you. You can request specific modalities or techniques such as more Thai work, Thai Foot, Sound Healing or Tuning Forks, Head Massage, etc.
This is a great place to spring-board from and dive into your life’s short and mid-term goals, or where you’re beginning new habits or lifestyle changes. This is the fresh start we all need from time to time to slough off, regroup & then begin again, lest we have a mid-life crisis instead. The sessions are so close together so we can remain ahead of your healing as we move deeper and deeper into the muscle tissue and tease it from adhesion to adhesion.
If you enjoy what’s happening, create your goals and we will create a maintenance plan that works for you. Sometimes people want to push through more barriers, while others enjoy the occasional session as a maintenance program, but the tools and lessons will stay with you for a lifetime.
“Lymphedema Relief”
*Typical observations include a reduction in problematic edema while regaining feeling & function beginning in the first 3 sessions. Sessions 3 & 4 are pivotal, and one client’s water pill was halved and he’s now back down 3 shoe sizes to normal & reversed the yellowing in his toenails. We assume it to be because of the increased blood flow.
Clients with lymphedema specifically, need to start with the Month of Healing and then we observe and wean from there. Typically, we go to every other week for a couple months then hover at 3 as a maintenance program if there is no at-home therapy in addition to that I provide.
I tend to spend the majority of at least one or two full sessions performing Thai Foot Massage with the dowel rod during the first month. Once the swelling and inflammation decreases, we begin cupping on the arches to encouragement blood flow back, which also reflexes back to the internal organs, resupplying the areas with fresh, nourishing blood. An unexpected observation at about 8 months was the reversal of one client’s thick, yellow toenails, growing back a healthier, white color. Our hypothesis is that it happened due to the increased blood flow to the extremities of the toes as he had changed nothing else.
As feeling regains, it may be interpreted as a little bit painful or pins and needles. This is normal and will dissipate as the normalcy of feeling regains.
Clients are encouraged to involve a partner or loved one for quicker results because some moves can be done at home or with enough frequency, that allows us to get more out of each face-to-face visit and to create a seamless transition into an "as needed" maintenance program.
Success to me, is transitioning clients back into wellness and function.
*HSA & FSA with appropriate referral
A Month of Healing
Your polarity journey begins here…
This package includes 4 private sessions, including a high-intensity acupressure treatment and relaxing warm-up on the chi-machine.
Suggested for everyone at least once in your life…
Complementary journal, some suggestions, tools and ideas to research or gradually bring into your life, a reflexology ring to keep your meridians open, and a full-sized tin of the rapid pain-relieving salve to ease your aches and pains.
You decide the level of depth you bring to the process, because only you can decide what to let go of. But regardless, all aspects of your life will begin to change over the weeks, and you will feel like a new person, ready to springboard into your new life.
From there, we will assess your next steps, whether it be another full round of deep work, a monthly or quarterly maintenance program, or maybe a class with your partner to gain a whole other layer of maintenance and growth benefits, or the occasional tune-up visit as needed. Regardless, you will be given life-long tools to reflect and rely on.
Call Evexia to book your first appointment and the remaining appointments will be scheduled at the end of each session.
Pain-relieving salve
Rapid relief for all your itches, aches, & pains
Garden-grown ingredients are time-steeped in olive oil, then I mix a little beeswax & love in for a great, versatile product
Helps bring awareness to my “Bee Multiplication Project,” to multiply our wild hives & spread the love and importance of our honeybees